It has truly been a year of thanksgiving.... we are grateful to God for all the wonderful things in our lives. My husband and I both had night duty, but we both came home and all four of us together, hubby and I came to the realization that we were staring at a few of our many blessings. So many car accidents that day on our commute to work and somehow we were all at home- we thanked God.
That our son is present to celebrate with us, despite a traumatic birth is a miracle in itself.
We had so much food to eat today and plenty left over and yet there are many who had very little to nothing to eat somewhere in the world :(
We were together but yet there are those in search for their family. We found a caregiver for our children and we thank God for that much to be thankful for I tell you.
The children are growing and becoming very independent; baby boy just cruises all over the place and comes to us for naptime and food. Baby girl oh geez she wakes up says good morning goes to the pantry grabs what she needs and climbs into her high chair. If one of her choices requires the stove (like today custard she hands it to any adult) and goes back and waits for her food. When she doesnt finish her milk she refrigerates it herself and goes about her business. She does her whole potty routine herself ...with a lot of loud " mama I gat it!" I suppose she wants me to make myself useful some place else. I can't believe sometimes that she understands when to use her words and sentences. I miss my baby. :(
Anyways they had a great time today with friends and they are off to bed and I should be off to bed too because I have work tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving day. And dont forget to vote for me at